Becoming Your Own VIP Mind, Body, and Soul
Episode: "Trauma and How My Life was Transformed" Streamed 1/9/22
This blog discloses a little bit about me and what inspired me to create this podcast I'm going to start where it originated which is basically my childhood. I acknowledge we all have different experiences in life but my experiences in the end led me to where I am today, which is creating this blog and podcast to help others that may have similar stories as to what I'm about to reveal.
Throughout this blog and podcast, you'll learn a lot more about me and a lot of ways that you can find solutions to a lot of the cycles that continue to repeat in our lives and ultimately healing and breaking those cycles through your mind, your body, and your soul.
This blog is going back to the life experiences that led me to where I am now; for me personally it was childhood trauma and for others it might even be just about childhood trauma or it could be things you experience as an adult that's shaped your life as well ,but you know when it comes to childhood trauma there are many categories of which childhood trauma can actually occur. It doesn't just have to be physical, it's emotional, it's mental, and yeah it can be sexual.
There is trauma in your environment whether it's your parent or both of your parents on some form of substance abuse, it could be your parents divorcing or separating, it could be due to mental illness, maybe even a suicide situation going on, it could be violence to your mother, it could be someone you know being sent away for a long period of time that you really love and care for, it could be a death of a family member, and you know as a child there's a lot of things that can impact you and doesn't necessarily have to be in a violent way but something that wounds you deeply emotionally and these are the things I think that we all just need to be aware of .
Mental health I feel is on the rise, medications is on the rise and there's a lot of things I've found on my journey that can answer a lot of these questions for people and does it involve work .... yes .... does it involve being vulnerable and facing those things within yourself .... yes.
I can tell you it's very uncomfortable I'm dealing with some of the things that for a long time I pushed away. This podcast is going to provide people with a lot of tools and understanding to help in basically evolving and expanding you so that you find some peace in your life.
Experiencing childhood trauma and the experiences of which I had encountered and how I just wasn't equipped to handle life scenarios in a healthy way had led me to growing up into adulthood with a form of emotional immaturity and ignorance; lacking in knowledge and awareness on how to handle situations that came up in my life.
You know there is that moment in your life; especially as a child when your emotions are all over the place and have not yet managed or developed those areas of our lives that involve logic that has not yet been matured.
Since your logic mind has not yet understood and evolved to process all that you're dealing with; your emotions through a child's perspective - quite frankly you just don't know how to handle.
The unspoken or unacknowledged shame and the guilt you feel along with the fear, anxiety, depression, and regrets; just a multitude of emotions come upon us as a child that eventually you continue to carry into your teenage years and into your adult years. Beginning to normalize it; but that's not normal per se .... it's not who you are and for a long time I questioned who I am .... I wanted to know who Rebecca was....... and I just felt lost for so long. Eventually realizing I just had no proper tools to handle life situations in a healthy way. I was simply uneducated....... it was about me carrying a victim mentality and how I relied on the outside world .... even my partners to come in and save me on some level and fulfill the needs that were missing in me.
Whether it was Disney, whether it was books, whether it was just the child in me that just wanted somebody to come in swoop me up and tell me I got you.... but the truth is a lot of the times your partner is wounded also, even your friends and a lot of the people we encounter are all coming from a wounded place.
In a relationship when you have one wounded person with another wounded person if you're not emotionally able to work things out in a healthy manner a lot of these cycles that you experienced in childhood is going to repeat.
What I did was found a way to hide myself from childhood all the way up, from teenage years to adulthood that included hiding myself through smoking weed, drinking .... there was a lot of alcohol involved and food. That was how I handled my emotions when I couldn't understand something. There was obviously a mental health aspect and you know when you think about the mental health aspect of depression, anxiety, fears, and anger there's a lot of stigma when it comes to going out and getting therapy along with what it means if you were to become medicated and how that medication feels especially if you look at all the side effects and that all these things that you have to look into. I did get on Xanax for anxiety and sought help for depression at one point but that is just a Band-Aid, and it wasn't until I finally hit rock bottom that I said I'm done.
I had a lot of life events in my story I've had a lot going on in my life, but I still kept those cycles going because I kept blaming, I kept blaming, I kept blaming instead of looking at me.
What do I need to heal within me on a deeper level than what I was doing in order to stop the cycles that I was on? Finally, one day that's when I said OK, I'm the common denominator in all of these situations whether it was my health, whether it was the relationships, whether it was my finances.... I was the common denominator and I prayed.
I'm not saying I never prayed in in my life... I have prayed .... but I was praying non-stop. I was searching for answers and when I say I was lost before I was really lost at this one point, and I really needed help. There was intervention that came into my life where my prayers were being answered and I was finding solutions to what has been missing within me this whole time and it does evolve around your mind, your body, and soul. If you're out of balance in any of these areas your life ... it will show.
You may be excellent in one area in your life and may be suffering in another, you may be suffering in multiple areas in your life and yet you still just don't have the keys to unlock and find the solutions to them.
This is the purpose of my blog and podcast to provide answers and insights and hopefully you find those moments of what resonate with you. Those aha moments and there's a lot of topics that will be covered: books, research, places that I can send you to because I'm definitely not a psychologist, but I definitely have my life experiences that have proven and placed me where I am today to share with you what I know now. I'm grateful to know now because you can't go back in life, but you do need to finally decide in your life that you're ready to change .... and to change means discomfort .... to change is to stretch yourself in ways you've not yet stretched yourself.
It's uncomfortable there's feelings that I buried for so, so, so, so long that when it came to finally facing it .... quite frankly didn't know if I was going to make it and that's again where prayer came in and I made it! This is where I'm here now with you today to share this information and again this is mind, body, and soul. That means there will be topics about spirituality on this .... and however, you want to call it God, Universe, Source, Allah, Yeshua.... there is something higher than us out there and I'm only going to speak this truth because of the fact I witnessed it, I lived it, and I've been saved by it.
This is not to turn anybody away this is to hope and pray that you just listen take what resonates and let go of the rest. If that's something you don't believe in ... fine ... but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be able to provide insight because we all have minds, we do have souls and we do have a body and again this is just going to get you in alignment in one way or the other and you take what resonates.