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Guardian of Your Gates...What Do You Allow In?

Writer's picture: Rebecca McCantsRebecca McCants

There are multiple forms of tolerance as I mentioned before of duality; the light and the dark…the 2 wolves what do you choose?

This is where seeking knowledge can aid you. If you do not know and are on autopilot based on how you were raised, the environment you surround yourself with, and what you ingest daily through your gates. Your parents were the initial guardians for you, then the baton was passed to you to take ownership of.

Your parents did the best they could, and they were still learning and growing up all while raising children. You experienced their story, all while your story was just beginning. Once you become the guardian over the 5 senses and life choices of what you, see, hear, speak, touch, and smell. Through your choices and the way you think, act, and believe that is what you will harvest. (Tilling your soul)

The minute you open the door internally to someone or something to your mind, heart, body, and soul they are residing within your inner sanctuary your home, your temple, and your place of peace. Now that you have let that in; impacts you internally spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and relationally that can impact you on a deep level. Your habits, beliefs, traits, peace of mind, emotional and mental well-being, and health.

Positive or negative that experience will become rooted in you. The light and the dark…the 2 wolves what do you choose to allow in?

The minute you open the outer external door to someone or something they are residing within your outer sanctuary your home and place of peace. Now that you have let that in; impacts you physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and relationally; although it is external it is impacting you spiritually as well on a deep level. Your habits, beliefs, traits, peace of mind, emotional and mental well-being, and health.

Positive or negative will become rooted in you. The light and the dark…the 2 wolves what do you choose to allow in?

If the roots are negative, toxic, and takes away from you vs. adding in the internal or material world by someone or something that you have invited into your home, your body, your mind, your heart, your soul. It will become a process to extract it later.

This part may seem like a PSA (Personal Service Announcement) but there is a point to this that I only truly learned through experiencing this myself and continued to do until I finally learned.

Consider the things you have consumed, participated in, created, tolerated, and acted on daily that are negative, toxic, and take away from us (dead in our sins) vs. adding

Listing just a few examples:

Food – Fast food, Processed foods, Fried food, Genetically Modified Foods, Added sugars, Processed oils, Hydrogenated fats, Refined carbohydrates, Processed meat. What abuse and disease has this caused and taken from you; dead in your sins diabetes, cancer, obesity, inflammation, and more. Vs. Fresh fruit vegetables, nuts, beans, non-gmo, healthy fats, herbs foods that give life, heal, and provide nutrients, and minerals.

Sex –Infidelity, casual sex, pornography, masturbation, and orgies. What abuse and disease has this caused and taken from you; dead in your sins sexually transmitted diseases, obsession with someone, unreciprocated love, betrayal, feeling trapped in the relationship, being addicted to the person even if they’re hurting you, or are manipulated by them, loss of self, your worth, and value. There is a saying that refers to the idea that you're sleeping with all of your partner's past sexual partners. The thing is it is not only the history of sexually transmitted diseases, or emotional, physical, or mental baggage they carry it is also the spiritual element of the spirits they have exposed themselves to because they joined themselves on a soul level sexually. Biblically sex joined and created a soul union. Having sex out of wedlock connects you spiritually to someone even if it was casual or a relationship. Sex creates a soul union (what is your soul - the mind, the will, and the emotion) marriage was solidified through the sexual union for a reason. Sex also creates a child that embodies the soul union and characteristics, behaviors, habits of both people and ancestors. With no child created the energy was still created between the 2 souls and the individuals now carry that between themselves which is why sex can blind us on many levels. (Soul ties can also be created outside of sex…more to come later). Vs. having a healthy relationship where you both choose each other, with mutual respect, patience, willingness to learn and grow together, resist temptations, and build one other up instead of tearing one another down even in the most trying of situations. You choose one another and that life-long commitment where you build and have trust, safety, stability, and all that love truly is (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8)

Drugs & alcohol - Drug and alcohol use impact nearly every area and aspect of your life. What abuse and disease has this caused and taken from you, dead in your sins. Engaging in unwanted and/or unprotected sexual activity, getting injured/assaulted/sexually assaulted, developing a tolerance for abuse, toxicity, avoidance, dependence or addiction, impact on family/friends/work/finances. Consider the excess and reflect on the fact that this is taking something away from you in a way you are not even aware of until it is too late. Brain Chemistry, Diseases, Infections, Legal Consequences, Financial Problems, Divorce, Depression, Anxiety, and more. Vs. healthy hydration, practicing healthy brain chemicals to produce dopamine (listening to music, trying something new, completing tasks, serotonin getting sunlight, exercising, healthy diet, meditating/prayer/scriptures), oxytocin getting or giving a massage, doing something nice for someone, show affection/spend time with friends, and endorphins exercise, stretching, breathwork, be creative, laughter.

War upon your soul (what is your soul - the mind, the will, and the emotion) & your soul has been under attack, dead in your sins, and under self-destruction. When we are running and avoiding the deeper level of healing our soul is asking us to review where do we run to? What level of excess and domino effect do we succumb to? Avoidance comes in many ways I only listed a few….. but can also present in forms of isolation, tolerance, workaholism, anorexia, or working out in excess.

Review what you are doing that is extreme, toxic, abusive, and excessive as a signal for emotional and behavioral issues and ask why? What are you consuming that is toxic and abusive as signals and symptoms of a sick soul (what is your soul - the mind, the will, and the emotion) A sick soul is internal and it begins to slowly impact the body as an external symbolism of what is going on internally.

Diseases are just a mirror to explain a dis-ease within your soul manifesting itself physically; your soul is not at ease. Healing yourself internally heals you externally.

Ease etymology:

ease (n.)

c. 1200, "physical comfort, undisturbed state of the body; tranquility, peace of mind," from Old French aise "comfort, pleasure, well-being; opportunity," which is of uncertain origin. According to Watkins is ultimately from Latin adiacens "lying at," present participle of adiacere "lie at, border upon, lie near," from ad "to" (see ad-) + iacere "to lie, rest," literally "to throw" (from PIE root *ye- "to throw, impel"). Recent dictionaries in English and French seem to support this derivation, though older sources found objections to it. Compare adagio.

At ease "at rest, at peace, in comfort" is from late 14c.; as a military order (1802) the word denotes "freedom from stiffness or formality."

ease (v.)

c. 1300, "to help, assist," from Old French aiser, from aise (see ease (n.)). Meaning "to give ease, mitigate, alleviate, relieve from pain or care" is from mid-14c. Meaning "render less difficult" is from 1630s; the sense of "to relax one's efforts" is from 1863 (with up by 1907, earlier with a more specific sense in sailing). Farmer reports ease in a slang sense of "to content a woman" sexually, with an 1861 date. Related: Eased; easing.

Your mind, body, and soul are not at ease in a medical term diseased. No, this person does not have a physical injury like a broken leg, but we have witnessed the choices people make and see them change, physically, or through emotional outbursts, and mental breakdowns. The thing is by the time we see it physically it’s a sign of the root of darkness that has grown from a seed, into roots that have grown and rooted deeply within that person. They have been sick in the soul for a long time and now it is revealing itself because they have not yet helped themselves….now there is an outward sign for the world to see and allows people to see what was hidden and can allow people to offer services to aid them, help them, support them, love them.

We lack knowledge of our soul and spiritual connection to the choices we make and it is not just one time (mind & emotion) that we reason with ourselves before doing it, it is you taking a piece of your power given away (will), and it was easy to make the choice then not recognizing the full consequence. Getting back your power will require work where losing your power is easy. Darkness wants you to give up, we were taught to be strong based on wounded teachers/teachings that never truly equipped us with the proper tools. The wounded teachings and trauma we did not realize were creating individuals to become weak-minded, and weak-willed lacking wisdom and knowledge.

Simply you were not equipped to understand or equipped to handle the blessings of your soul no matter your age. To be strong meant to repress those emotions and remain strong, and tough…stop crying, being made fun of or demoralized. Developing shame, and guilt of emotions that we were equipped to navigate and master in this life, not repress.

Repressed emotions months or years later surface at the most inopportune times….that feeling of discomfort and unease bubbling up to the surface…feelings & emotions that make you feel weak (fear, worry, doubt…) what do you do with no healthy tools or models to follow?

Emotional outbursts lead to anger, conflict, abuse, things said that cannot be undone, and betrayal. Now you really feel weak and in despair, or angry, volatile, like running, fighting having no mastery or intelligence to handle this maturely. Missed opportunities, regrets, and consequences that are life-altering.

Not ready to admit not having an idea how to address what is going on in our mind, with the emotions, and if not taught healthy ways (light) we succumb to the unhealthy ways (dark), and our (will) is weakened by choosing the thing that mirrors the pain inside as an emotional band-aid of the need for connection, to be validated, loved, valued, safe, and protected through those negative, and toxic experiences that take away from us vs. adding in excess of food, drugs/alcohol, partying, sex, bad counsel, and the list goes on…we have all witnessed or experienced it in some way and tv and movies provide these examples as well.

You have the power to save yourself or to destroy yourself. You have the authority to say no and to take your power back. To open your eyes to what is supporting your destruction you have a choice….. the light and the dark…duality……the 2 wolves what do you choose? Your power to think wisely (mind), the power to say no and choose differently (will), what feelings are being evoked in a negative state, and to choose positive (emotions & will) that then begins to affect your body and outer world and resources and connections that all were your blessings and tools to survive in this world.

The darkness only wins if you concede your soul (the mind, the will, and the emotion) if you choose to not utilize your authority, your power.

That is not who you are…as an earthen vessel look at what has filled you up. You are either drained or you are overflowing. Dead in your sins leave you drained, depleted, lacking, and in debt, you have given your power away. The ease, excess, overindulgence, laziness, pleasure… envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Focus on the material obtainment of the physical things vs giving of the kindness, love, and service that is eternal.

“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”― Marcus Aurelius

Look at the outer mirror if you cannot see it in yourself….. you see it on tv, in the lives of family and friends the effects of choices made. The effects of those choice moments of pleasure, avoidance, fulfilling a deeper need in a superficial way…that one moment over a short amount of time or continued over a long length of time …the behaviors, habits, traits, and beliefs…how has it served you?

If the roots are positive, loving, and add to you vs draining and taking away from you it will create energy, motivation, and long-lasting success in all areas and aspects of your life.

Your life is like a gym constantly working out all the aspects of the internal and external “YOU”. That means it requires work, commitment, dedication, consistency, discipline, persistence, development, skills, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, resilience, endurance, patience, compassion, faith, accountability, responsibility, and knowing and fulling your needs in healthy ways. The athlete ingests only what is good for the body…so now you also are mindful of what you ingest spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, socially, financially, and intellectually. The things that do not add to you; you learn and build up your character, morals, values, will, patterns, traits, behaviors, and beliefs.

More positive words and examples can be added here to describe all that you have the capabilities and power you possess to build yourself up to be internally so that your outer world reflects the beauty that is within. Chaos, confusion, pain, fear, worries, doubts, immorality, and all other signs of darkness requires time for cleansing, clearing, and reflecting you at your best…. even if there are life challenges that appear you now have the mental fortitude, spiritual foundation, and structures to handle those challenges more effectively, and mindfully more in control of yourself to choose to do and be better.

Take the steps each day to do and to be better, you are only in competition with who you were yesterday. Other people have their own things and battles to face that you are unaware of. We are all on different levels and have different internal demons to face. When you reflect not only on what is on Instagram or material gain but really think about the internal aspects you do not see, the things they had to overcome, and their journey and future challenges they will eventually face. You would no longer compare yourself to others because you have to be prepared for your journey.

We are all one, God is within us all, and we all are sharing a bigger story of redemption and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. To be of service, to lift up, to aid, add value, and to love one another because what you do to one you also do to yourself.

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