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Dead in Your Sins

Writer's picture: Rebecca McCantsRebecca McCants

Podcast Becoming Your Own VIP Mind, Body, and Soul

"Dead in Your Sins" Streamed 1/9/2023

Dead in your sins; The Bible talks about following your worldly flesh leads to death and following Jesus leads to life. When I reflect back; much of my life was in debt, lacking in a lot of areas of my life. As much as I built up, I also played a part in its destruction I’ve mentioned the world mirrors the spiritual not just the physical. There is a duality in everything such as you have spiritual karma, and I use the word Karma because of Credit Karma in the physical world because you can have financial karma, you have karma you commit against other people, and karma against other things you’ve committed, generationally and even against yourself. The physical world utilizes the word karma a lot but is also known as cause and effect, and the Bible refers to it as reaping what you sow.

Romans 5:12

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned—

As mentioned in another podcast sins of the father and through those sins what world had that created? What hurt, lack, self-esteem, fear, anxieties, and sins have we all witnessed and exhibited? Coping, surviving, abusing, lacking, just being lost, and picking up what we feel would aid us in being accepted, safe, loved, and respected. Low self-esteem, codependent, emotional time bombs, lust, adultery, laziness, taking advantage of others, and undisciplined. On automatic pilot and once we get it to hold on tightly to it, control it, manipulate it, jealousy, envy, compare, use in excess, mismanage, & lose it. Think of the fullness of life, love, who you are, morals, virtue, stability, finances, peace, safety, freedom, and mental/emotional/physical well-being, so much more lost. Dead in your sins.

Through all of that, the sincerest intention is to love, care for their loved ones, support one another in times of trouble or tragedy, donating time and money to the community and those in need. Caring for the children and elderly, non-profits, hopes and dreams for the success not of just ourselves but for others, the celebration of anniversaries milestones, and new opportunities. To embrace life, love, who you are, joy, laughter, your overall well-being, and adventure, just to name a few. See the duality of the difference between living in sin (darkness) and living in the fruits of the spirit (light).

I was considering all the time that people go out to bungee jump and make a bucket list of things they want to conquer in life. Well, that’s a mirror of what you need to conquer inside yourself too, yes conquer & experience what you dreamed of outside yourself. Yes, sure, but wisely because this is a part of enjoying your life and obtaining more understanding from the experiences of your life, but a lot of it has to do with conquering yourself inside.

Facing all those things that you locked away at whatever age it happened were stuffed down and repressed, & suppressed, due to being too scared, hurt, traumatized, and whatever root emotion it is to face the things you were not equipped to understand or equipped to handle. Feelings and thoughts that intimidate, frighten, anger, and hurt you; having to acknowledge the unmet needs. In other podcasts, I mention that we run, numb, fight, suppress, reject pieces of ourselves and do whatever we can to survive and avoid the darker emotions, images, and feelings within; just asking you to face them. The distractions may be reflected in your life through the use of drugs and alcohol, toxic relationships with yourself and others, negative speaking, gossip, inner negative thoughts and self-talk, self-abandonment, and rejecting yourself and your own needs. Looking for validation through others to acknowledge your value or your worth, and the list goes on.

Mark 7:8-9 NIV

8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

9 And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe[a] your own traditions!

All these things your life reflects because of you and your choices right now. What happened then or how we were raised was the root and that situation is gone now it’s time to till the soil and uproot the original wounding, and teachings that are no longer serving our highest of good and take back your power! Just because it feels good, tastes good, or how many other people do it; it doesn’t mean it’s good for you. You do have support, and resources, everything around us is to support us but the lesson now is for you to stop running and wake up, you’ve already tried one way you were blessed with freewill to do so, how about choosing life, discover the truth behind all of the lies and wounds and to live; choose life and everlasting life.

The thing is if you're in debt; in order to transform your life will require your effort to change. Until you do put the effort in and change; whatever you acquire while in debt will only add to your debt pile because you don't know how to support it the darkness will creep into it. You won't know how to love it because you've not yet learned how to support yourself in all areas and aspects so you definitely will not be able to support or manage yourself or what it is you are desiring. Think of finances and when in debt you will be limited by your debt, your credit score. You may qualify for a credit card to rebuild your credit but if you have not addressed the original root of why you are in debt in the first place you would more than likely abuse, mismanage or use it in excess and add to your debt. There were good intentions, but habits, behaviors, and lack of knowledge will create the same cycle. Now you’ve added to your debt.

Dead in your sins, this is a bigger mirror to what this life is, it is holding you accountable and you are being weighed and measured your soul is recording all that you do placing you in spiritual debt or credit, and your health (mentally, emotionally, socially, relationally, physically, financially, intellectually) creating debt or credit based on actions that add or take away from your life. Loving others as you love yourself, adding to your life the fruits of the spirit, and living in sin (missing the mark) places you in debt. Your riches on Earth are money and material things, but in the spirit, it is the impact you have made in your life and life of others that keeps you in debt or credit how much light vs dark did your soul ingest, and act upon? Were you building up the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven or tearing it down? Were you building yourself and others up or tearing it down?

Healing building up spiritually to gain insight and understanding will lead to healing all areas of your life. Being reborn is the time to be reparented with truth and what love and kindness really is on how to support, love, nurture, and take care of your nutrition, exercise, mental and emotional well-being psychological, and spiritual well-being, your education, and development instead of numbing out on TV, drugs, alcohol, and partying. Take the time it means to pick up a book to read, develop hobbies, skills, learning, and tools to be prepared to receive and be a good steward of the gifts you are asking for.

Really focusing on your soul as well that's part of your learning because it's mind, body, and soul think about how you used what God gave you and how has it hurt you and how has it helped you all these are keys and layers to you and removing what wounded people taught you and told you to be because they built you up on a wounded image of what they wanted for you or the discipline they had received and the only way they knew how to express complex emotions through hurt and forms of abuse and toxicity.

You have a chance for redemption to begin again as a clean slate, spiritual awakening, being woke, being conscious, and the bible refers to it as being reborn/rebirth. Where there was not something to model for clear understanding now is the opportunity to fully understand from a pure place which is God who created us.

This is the opportunity for you to learn your true identity, and how to form a healthy relationship with God and through this, you begin to learn what it means to also have a healthy relationship with yourself, and others. What it means to be supported, protected, and nurtured and have compassion, empathy, peace, stability, trust, and love within.

Think about how we come home, and the home is our solitude, now consider that your home is your body. Before you may have had anxiety, depression, confusion, thoughts, and fears that were not able to be understood. Being at war with yourself and that your emotions and mind were your enemies. You do not have a happy home, and you are avoiding coming home because of it through those outer distractions, avoidance, and self-medicating. What I came to learn is you are to become more aware of who and what you invite into your body, your five senses, your home, and your temple.

How you care for and manage your home; how clean is your home, the mental clutter, the thoughts and self-talk that tears yourself down and destroy your inner workings of you. What you are also allowing in that destroys your peace, trust, stability, self-control, security, all of the people and environments you place your temple in; day in and day out, the things your temple consumes through your five senses. How many people you have slept with and the soul ties created? Your home and yard are beautiful, well kept on the outside so no one knows the inner turmoil you are going through until one day the walls fall down and spill out for the world to see. Or maybe it’s a slow progression where you are so broken you just do not care enough to maintain the yard or your upkeep as a cry for help.

Think of the movies, music, social media, games, behaviors, habits, and beliefs that you ingest repeating the cycle of taking in others’ beliefs, influences, and sins. The loving touch or hurtful impacts of abuse through touch. The temporary feel-good that leads you to live paycheck to paycheck, in debt, drama, broken relationships, dysfunctional homes, STDs, fights, abuse, on medications, unhealthy, with a sick soul, living in excess, fast pace, and in autopilot dead in your sins not even realizing it. What is it that you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste that is dark vs light?

A lot of it is because we were raised to believe that is just the way it is, the way life is, the way you are. That is not true, at any given time your path could have changed at any moment for the better or worse depending on the choices made. Now you are presented with another choice, and I understand a big choice like this can seem hard, but this is a choice that is usually only made once things get so bad that you have no choice but to decide to change your ways. It happened to me the hard way and this is why I now know better, and I know that your change will come only when you are ready. Life is telling you to look at yourself and the trouble and chaos build until either way at some point you will be held accountable and made to listen.

Dead in our sin where have you compromised your soul so that the person you love or rely on doesn’t leave you? What have you compromised for money? What have you tried to control, and manipulate, what lies have you told yourself? What have you numbed yourself to for the temporary pleasures or financial attainment, status, or not to be alone? Where have you been hurt that you just succumb and fall prey to the darkness? Dead in our sins can also be what we build up we also destroy because of the negativity bore bad fruit, it could not grow on fertile ground because you were not feeding it with love.

Romans 7:5

For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death.

Dead in our sins we chose to accept things as they are versus questioning them and choosing differently. These are areas in which you have not yet matured and have taken accountability and responsibility for yourself and seek help.

Everything has a purpose and how you steward over yourself mind, body, and soul, is the same way you steward your blessings and resources. If your priorities are out of order then so will your resources, there will always be something missing until you work on yourself and the correct order of priorities and treat yourself and others with kindness, love, patience, joy, understanding, forgiveness, gratitude, and generosity.

Duality light and dark, through the deadly sins, or through the fruits of the spirit you choose the spirit of your intentions and is what you will receive back to you. God knows what is in your mind, and heart, he knows what has been done in the dark when no one is looking. There will always be an emptiness, and unfulfillment if not of pure intentions and seeking God first.

Romans 6:16

Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?

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